Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Last Christmas...

I gave you my heart
but the very next day
you threw it away
this year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Why is it that out of all the popular Christmas/holiday songs out there, *this* is the one that everyone in Japan wants to hear? And why in every English class I go to?

Funniest Wham! Christmas moment?
Practicing pronounciation (read: repeat after me) with a bad-ass class of Grade 12 boys. Imagine the horrors of having students reading after you in chorus the words "once bitten and twice shy".

Weirdest Wham! Christmas moment?
Santa showing up at the Rotary Club Cristmas party and handing out presents to kids under 6 to the strains of George Michael et al.

Most standard Wham! Christmas moment?
A tie between requests to sing Last Christmas at karaoke, and showing up to classes where the listening exercise du jour is this song.
Fill in the blanks: A _ _ _ _ on a lover with a fire in his heart.

And no, the Grade 12 boys didn't want to sing along in class. But deep down, I'm sure they wanted to show off their mad English skillz at the karaoke box. Where they assure me they only drink juice.

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